/a/ - Anime

by manchildren, for real men
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Where did the all the fighting spirit/bushido go?


op is a fag


Hahaha, fuckin Max Payne over here with his constipation face like he's got three dicks up his ass callin other people fags.


You just have to look a little closer


no leak allowed sissy boi
this features is pretty good ngl

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Is anyone watching Dr. Stone?

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This thread is dedicated to the best old animus. Heads up to those looking for quality stuff, there's been an original VHS Cowboy Bebop version floating around and I'm enjoying it.


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Serial experiments lain has to be mentioned since we are frontiersmen here on i2p. Will hafta rewatch (again) at some point


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Outlaw Star is another old and good anime show similar to Cowboy Bebop.


I've watched the series twice; once around 2004 and again more recently, maybe in 2018? Very different experiences and it holds up well.

Since we've mentioned Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, and Lain - Trigun, anyone? Ghost in the Shell, Akira… Roujin-Z ;)


Ghost in the shell definitely, I rewatched Akira recently and oh boy has the aesthetic grown on me over the past few years…also Texhnolyze is a must see if you like SEL, GitS etc.


There's also Blame! which I haven't seen but have been meaning to watch - a lot of people compare it to GitS in terms of the aesthetic.

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Is the third season worth watching at all? I watched the first two seasons and I don't know if I have it in me to watch the third unless it's significantly better.


more like date a clock

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>Flippy wigglers

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