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What's 8chan?


"8chan, also called Infinitechan or Infinitychan (stylized as ∞chan), is an imageboard website composed of user-created message boards. An owner moderates each board, with minimal interaction from site administration." - from wikipedia.

It's a good place where many communities where born.


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It came back as 8kun.

It's probably full of CIAniggers, so don't go there without Tor.


The old fuck went to congress and totally got pressed to make a honey pot. There was an anon who did a traceroute that showed the route his IP takes goes through the department of homeland security.

There's no doubt about it, it IS a honeypot.

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====Man Who Bravely Fought Off Islamic Terrorists Put On Terror Watchlist By UK Gov====

49-year-old Roy Larner screamed “fuck you, I’m Millwall” as he defended himself against jihadists who ended up killing 8 people and injuring 38 others during the horrific attack in London two years ago.
Now Larner himself is being treated as a potential terrorist by the UK government.

“They treat me like a terrorist but I’m not political at all,”

said Larner, who revealed he has been forced to attend de-radicalization classes and is being monitored by the police.

Despite being hailed as a hero after the attack, with speculation that he could even be given the George Cross, the highest civilian award for gallantry, Larner is now literally being treated as a potential terrorist by his own country.

The United Kingdom is so addled with political correctness, it treats those who fought back against Islamic jihadists as terrorists.



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all cops are bastards


>fuck law and order n shiiiet, cops be rayciss
Law and order is needed in a functioning society, commie. That you aren't allowed to flood the streets shrieking about orange man's two scoops or whatever horseshit nonissue doesn't change that, neither do some of the ZOGbots or internet moderator tier retards that can get into the position.


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Only some one who has the intentions of hurting others would say such a thing.
Most people, anon, are capable of respecting peoples boundaries and developing sincere relationships with people that do not need the threat of violence to exist.

Societies who base their standards upon violence will inevitably create violent societies. You reap what you sew.


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Of course, all human interaction is predicated upon a threat of violence. The threat of violence stops people from assaulting and harming you. This does not, however, justify social Darwinism or the idea that ALL human interaction must be violent in and of itself. Nore does it justify the hierarchical domination of capital any more than it has historically justified any other form of domination of one man by another.

We, as thinking creatures, can create a world by which we all respect each other boundaries with out establishing negative freedoms. Property is an unnecessary form of violence. A world of mutual aid.

The ownership of property allows few to with hold the needs of the many for ransom and dictate the will of the masses. That is not freedom that is slavery, wage slavery.

So yes, as usual, the right holds partial truths; as usual the whole truth is omitted. All interaction is predicated upon violence, but, not all violence is justified.

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Crazy dangerous midget, the boss of biggest corrupt mafia, cause total poverty, totalitarian build, leader of greatest terrorist group in the world - FSB - , with a nuclear button will launch it anyways!
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Totally agree. However they work well on the sheep.
- "Orange man bad" - huh, those stoopid NPCs, how dumb they are. It's stupid to say that, and I'm a free thinker (which is basically another word for a smart person), so I will now perceive any critique of Trump as invalid.


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Consider the following:

The right starts calling the left "NPCs"

So the left starts calling the right "NPCs" in response.

Instead consider that the vast majority of humanity is "NPC" and by "NPC" we mean that they are basically unthinking pleasure-seekers that base their opinions on what their perceived moral authority source tells them. This perceived authority source may be; their friends, the media, their celebrities, their teachers, their religion or religious leaders, or another source.

That does not make these people useless, however. We need them, as many of them as possible, as voters, and if needed, as fighters.

Once one of these people is pulled into a political direction, they tend to stay the course, so we are in a constant memetic war to recruit as many of them as possible. If we don't, the other side will.


image is true
>so we are in a constant memetic war to recruit as many of them as possible. If we don't, the other side will.
this is the basis of the 2016 meme war wanna go again (^:
who will be shilled for this time will it be taxation is theft meme joe or are we doing some other country/actor


>We need them, as many of them as possible, as voters, and if needed, as fighters.
We the superior life form. We who do not seek pleasure. We who do not base our opinions on what our perceived moral authority source tells us.
We are the superhuman. We are nearly gods. Sure we might look like them, we might live like them, but, on the inside, we sure are superior.


>anon dismisses an "argument" that amounts to nothing more than "putin bad" by calling it out as such
>you get offended immediately because putin bad and post an absolutely reddit tier rebuttal

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Immigration to the western world needs to stop. We should have the right to pick the best immigrants and leave the rest to rot, only then can we sustain our society in a way which will preserve equality. Our leaders have betrayed us in the hope of power and some twisted sense of a "better" humanity.

Change my mind.
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To work well on small screens, sites don't need JS. At all. The desktop design doesn't need to be changed either (visually, at least). Ever heard of css?


To work well on small screens, sites don't need JS. At all. The desktop design doesn't need to be changed either. Ever heard of css?
This very imageboard is nearly perfect on mobile. Actually, it somewhat sucks on the bigger screen, because it requires you to scroll all the way up to reach the form, while e.g. nanochan conveniently places it on the right.


>only a fool would rescue people at the expense of everyone…
Doesn't make
>Actually it is precisely those who speak of leaving human beings "to rot" who are the real threat to Western Civilization. It is precisely the "better humanity" of Western civilization that supercedes the feudalistic fascistic barbarism of "social darwinism" that best resides in the history books.
less correct.
Although social Darwinism resides not only in the history books, but also everywhere nowadays. In some places not so much though. Those places are often called "the west" or something like that.
> or the megacorporations operating as they wish, globally?
You wish megacorporations operated as they wish only locally I guess? Because at the moment they do as they please anywhere in the world.
Because the world is a keeling ship, isn't it?


How large of a causal factor is war in emigration? Please inform me on the historical trends. Even if war plays a significant role, this would not explain the disproportionate amount of immigration into Europe, North America, or Oceania (strangely, all "white" countries). Not the entirety of Asia, Africa, or South America is war-torn, yet they receive significantly less immigration and greater emigration.


How about no immigrants? There is no reason to take them. At best you will get someone who moved to your country for economic reasons, cares nothing about your culture and traditions, and will either leave as quickly once things get hard or stay around to reduce your ethnic dominance, vote against policies that favour you, and generally be a drain on the majority. At worst you get a subversive who will erode the unity of your nation, promote degeneracy to destroy your people slowly, bring in more immigrants to slowly replace you, and finally wipe your race out. There are no reasons to take in immigrants, now or ever, and anyone that says you should is a (willing or unwilling) subversive.
Why should the """assholes""" in other nations give a flying shit about you and yours? It offers them no benefit. Don't be surprised when someone decides not to have pity on the whining loser who, rather than get good at the game of life, prefers to beg everyone else to play worse.

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Hold on to your butts!

Saudi Arabia just suffered a wave of drone attacks on oil refineries. Half their oil production is out.


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Guess I won't be a-mowing muh lawn!

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Thread for discussing deep ecology, conservation, and environmentalism.

What is deep ecology?

Deep ecology is the study of the relationships between plants, animals, people, and their environment, and the balances between these relationships.

Beginner Reading List

Can Life Prevail? - Pentti Linkola
Silent Spring - Rachel Carson
Ecology, Community and Lifestyle: Outline of an Ecosophy - Arne Naess
The Question Concerning Technology - Martin Heidegger


We are all so dependent on computers now, both as industry and as hobby so how does that fit into ecofascism or what ever you might call it? Does it fit into it at all?


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Kaczynski correctly identified the problem, but not the solution.

Linkola has come close to the solution, but I believe his ideas may have some small flaws that would need to be first corrected to be implemented.

The solutions to the problem are not easy, nor are they pleasant.

Technology would not need to be eliminated. Consumerism would need to be eliminated. Even under Linkola's system, technology would still be used for communication.

Modern civilization places the economy above the needs of the people, and both above the needs of the planet.

DeepEco and EcoFash both propose that the needs of the planet are placed above all, followed by the needs of the people/volk, and only lastly the needs of the economy.


The reality is that the consumer madness will continue until the resources run out.

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You might've heard about the 'taking down' of 8chan by Cloudflare.
"The online message board 8chan, which has been linked to three mass shootings in 2019, will be terminated, Cloudflare announced late Sunday night, just hours after the site's founder called for its end."

This is one step to a 100% corporate Internet…
"During media interviews earlier Sunday, 8chan founder Fredrick Brennan called for the imageboard's end."
We will not falter.

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Is there any good active chans on i2p ? The zero net one sucks ass


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We are on a chan with great potential.

Changolia ia also nice.

Torchan and Nanochan (both on Tor, not I2P, sadly) are getting busy.

Avoid NiChan, because CP.

Avoid Zeronet, because CP (and because it *STORES* the CP on your hard drive!!!)


where is changolia ?


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For some reason they changed the front page to "Bananachan" now. It used to be Changolia.



>>banana chan is the best solution right now, a bit old but still working fine, available from i2p, 2hu-ch.org and probably others nodes but can't find them rn

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So, Epstein is dead.

On one hand, I'm happy because every dead pedophile is a good thing.

On the other hand, holy shit… He was on suicide watch after a previous attempt. Then one day he was taken off suicide watch for no reason, on the same day the camera in his cell failed and the guards assigned to him were relieved for "maintenance" that needed to be performed.

The kneejerk reaction is for people to say that someone killed him, but it's much easier than that: He was already suicidal! If they wanted him gone, all they had to do was give him some privacy and the means to get on with it, and that's exactly what he did.

The major downside of this is that it ends the investigation. Dead Epstein is a good thing, but now his accomplices and clients will be let off the hook.

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