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Easy anonymous file sharing using I2P technology


Install Standalone

Download MuWire-0.6.8. Unzip the file and launch the bin/MuWire script on Linux, or the bin\MuWire.bat script on Windows. You need to have Java 11 installed for this to work.

Also available is a single-jar edition, which is a smaller download. MuWire-0.6.8.jar.pack.bz2 To use the single-jar edition you need to have the full JDK installed. Follow these steps:

  1. Uncompress the bz2 file with bunzip2 MuWire-x.y.z.jar.pack.bz2
  2. Unpack the pack file with unpack200 MuWire-x.y.z.jar.pack MuWire-x.y.z.jar (you need to have unpack200 from the JDK in your path)
  3. Run the resulting jar with java -jar MuWire-x.y.z.jar . You can pass any standard JVM switches to this command; for example if you want to limit the maximum heap size you can do that with the -Xmx switch.

MuWire also has a command-line interface (CLI) that can run in a terminal. You can download it here MuWire-cli-0.6.8.tar Here are the configuration options

It is recommended to use the eepget tool for downloading these files as it supports resume.


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