Migrating from standalone to plugin

Files to copy

These files are in your $HOME/.MuWire directory

Migration process

To migrate your existing identity to the plugin, follow these steps

  1. Install the plugin and stop it right away
  2. Copy all the files from the list above to $HOME/.i2p/plugins/MuWire
  3. Start the plugin

Running standalone and plugin at the same time

To run the plugin and standalone at the same time, you need to use different identities. Follow these steps to create a new identity with the same shared files

  1. Install the plugin and stop it right away
  2. Copy all the files from the list above except key.dat to $HOME/.i2p/plugins/MuWire
  3. If you want to use a different nickname, edit MuWire.properties and change the line that starts with nickname=. MuWire will run fine with the same nickname because the cryptographic identity will be different.
  4. Start the plugin.