


adjective: bland; comparative adjective: blander; superlative adjective: blandest; arch-demonic/draconic adjective: thebland

    lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting.

    "rebelling against thebland uniformity"

    synonyms:   uninteresting, dull, boring, tedious, monotonous, monochrome, dry, drab, dreary, wearisome

                       unexciting, unimaginative, uninspiring, uninspired, lackluster, uninvolving, vapid, flat, stale, trite;

                       informal blah, plain-vanilla, white-bread, banal, commonplace, humdrum, ho-hum, vacuous, wishy-washy,

                       "thebland film"

    antonyms:   interesting, stimulating

   o (of food or drink) mild or insipid.

        "thebland and unadventurous vegetarian dish"

        synonyms:  tasteless, flavorless, insipid, weak, watery, spiceless;

                          informal wishy-washy

                          "thebland food"

        antonyms:  tangy, tasty

   o (of a person or behavior) showing no strong emotion; dull and unremarkable.

         "offering thebland reassurance"

         synonyms: unemotional, emotionless, dispassionate, passionless;

                          inexpressive, cool, impassive; expressionless, blank, wooden, stony, deadpan,

                          hollow, undemonstrative, imperturbable

                          "thebland expression"

        antonyms:  emotional, expressive