Class HandshakeState

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int COMPLETE
      The handshake is complete and the data session ciphers have been split() out successfully.
      static int FAILED
      The handshake has failed due to some kind of error.
      static int INITIATOR
      Enumerated value that indicates that the handshake object is handling the initiator role.
      static int NO_ACTION
      No action is required of the application yet because the handshake has not started.
      static String PATTERN_ID_IK  
      static String PATTERN_ID_XK  
      static String protocolName  
      static String protocolName2  
      static int READ_MESSAGE
      The HandshakeState expects the application to read the next message payload from the handshake.
      static int RESPONDER
      Enumerated value that indicates that the handshake object is handling the responder role.
      static int SPLIT
      The handshake is over and the application is expected to call split() and begin data session communications.
      static int WRITE_MESSAGE
      The HandshakeState expects the application to write the next message payload for the handshake.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      HandshakeState clone()
      I2P Must be called before both eph.
      void destroy()
      Destroys all sensitive state in the current object.
      int getAction()
      Gets the next action that the application should perform for the handshake part of the protocol.
      byte[] getChainingKey()
      I2P for getting chaining key for siphash calc
      byte[] getHandshakeHash()
      Gets the current value of the handshake hash.
      DHState getLocalEphemeralKeyPair()
      Gets the keypair object for the local ephemeral key.
      DHState getLocalKeyPair()
      Gets the keypair object for the local static key.
      String getProtocolName()
      Gets the name of the Noise protocol.
      DHState getRemotePublicKey()
      Gets the public key object for the remote static key.
      int getRole()
      Gets the role for this handshake.
      boolean hasLocalKeyPair()
      Determine if this handshake has already been configured with a local static key.
      boolean hasRemotePublicKey()
      Determine if this handshake has already been configured with a remote static key.
      void mixHash​(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
      I2P for mixing in padding in messages 1 and 2
      boolean needsLocalKeyPair()
      Determine if this handshake requires a local static key.
      boolean needsRemotePublicKey()
      Determine if this handshake requires a remote static key.
      int readMessage​(byte[] message, int messageOffset, int messageLength, byte[] payload, int payloadOffset)
      Reads a message payload during the handshake.
      CipherStatePair split()
      Splits the transport encryption CipherState objects out of this HandshakeState object once the handshake completes.
      CipherStatePair split​(byte[] secondaryKey, int offset, int length)
      Splits the transport encryption CipherState objects out of this HandshakeObject after mixing in a secondary symmetric key.
      void start()
      Starts the handshake running.
      String toString()
      I2P debug
      int writeMessage​(byte[] message, int messageOffset, byte[] payload, int payloadOffset, int payloadLength)
      Writes a message payload during the handshake.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int INITIATOR
        Enumerated value that indicates that the handshake object is handling the initiator role.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int RESPONDER
        Enumerated value that indicates that the handshake object is handling the responder role.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • NO_ACTION

        public static final int NO_ACTION
        No action is required of the application yet because the handshake has not started.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int WRITE_MESSAGE
        The HandshakeState expects the application to write the next message payload for the handshake.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int READ_MESSAGE
        The HandshakeState expects the application to read the next message payload from the handshake.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FAILED

        public static final int FAILED
        The handshake has failed due to some kind of error.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SPLIT

        public static final int SPLIT
        The handshake is over and the application is expected to call split() and begin data session communications.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • COMPLETE

        public static final int COMPLETE
        The handshake is complete and the data session ciphers have been split() out successfully.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getProtocolName

        public String getProtocolName()
        Gets the name of the Noise protocol.
        The protocol name.
      • getRole

        public int getRole()
        Gets the role for this handshake.
        The role, HandshakeState.INITIATOR or HandshakeState.RESPONDER.
      • getLocalKeyPair

        public DHState getLocalKeyPair()
        Gets the keypair object for the local static key.
        The keypair, or null if a local static key is not required.
      • getLocalEphemeralKeyPair

        public DHState getLocalEphemeralKeyPair()
        Gets the keypair object for the local ephemeral key. I2P
        The keypair, or null if a local ephemeral key is not required or has not been generated.
      • needsLocalKeyPair

        public boolean needsLocalKeyPair()
        Determine if this handshake requires a local static key.
        true if a local static key is needed; false if not. If the local static key has already been set, then this function will return false.
      • hasLocalKeyPair

        public boolean hasLocalKeyPair()
        Determine if this handshake has already been configured with a local static key.
        true if the local static key has been configured; false if not.
      • getRemotePublicKey

        public DHState getRemotePublicKey()
        Gets the public key object for the remote static key.
        The public key, or null if a remote static key is not required.
      • needsRemotePublicKey

        public boolean needsRemotePublicKey()
        Determine if this handshake requires a remote static key.
        true if a remote static key is needed; false if not. If the remote static key has already been set, then this function will return false.
      • hasRemotePublicKey

        public boolean hasRemotePublicKey()
        Determine if this handshake has already been configured with a remote static key.
        true if the remote static key has been configured; false if not.
      • start

        public void start()
        Starts the handshake running. This function is called after all of the handshake parameters have been provided to the HandshakeState object. This function should be followed by calls to writeMessage() or readMessage() to process the handshake messages. The getAction() function indicates the action to take next.
        IllegalStateException - The handshake has already started, or one or more of the required parameters has not been supplied.
        UnsupportedOperationException - An attempt was made to start a fallback handshake pattern without first calling fallback() on a previous handshake.
        See Also:
        getAction(), writeMessage(byte[], int, byte[], int, int), see #fallback()
      • getAction

        public int getAction()
        Gets the next action that the application should perform for the handshake part of the protocol.
        One of HandshakeState.NO_ACTION, HandshakeState.WRITE_MESSAGE, HandshakeState.READ_MESSAGE, HandshakeState.SPLIT, or HandshakeState.FAILED.
      • writeMessage

        public int writeMessage​(byte[] message,
                                int messageOffset,
                                byte[] payload,
                                int payloadOffset,
                                int payloadLength)
                         throws ShortBufferException
        Writes a message payload during the handshake.
        message - The buffer that will be populated with the handshake packet to be written to the transport.
        messageOffset - First offset within the message buffer to be populated.
        payload - Buffer containing the payload to add to the handshake message; can be null if there is no payload.
        payloadOffset - Offset into the payload buffer of the first payload buffer.
        payloadLength - Length of the payload in bytes.
        The length of the data written to the message buffer.
        IllegalStateException - The action is not WRITE_MESSAGE.
        IllegalArgumentException - The payload is null, but payloadOffset or payloadLength is non-zero.
        ShortBufferException - The message buffer does not have enough space for the handshake message.
        See Also:
        getAction(), readMessage(byte[], int, int, byte[], int)
      • readMessage

        public int readMessage​(byte[] message,
                               int messageOffset,
                               int messageLength,
                               byte[] payload,
                               int payloadOffset)
                        throws ShortBufferException,
        Reads a message payload during the handshake.
        message - Buffer containing the incoming handshake that was read from the transport.
        messageOffset - Offset of the first message byte.
        messageLength - The length of the incoming message.
        payload - Buffer that will be populated with the message payload.
        payloadOffset - Offset of the first byte in the payload buffer to be populated with payload data.
        The length of the payload.
        IllegalStateException - The action is not READ_MESSAGE.
        ShortBufferException - The message buffer does not have sufficient bytes for a valid message or the payload buffer does not have enough space for the decrypted payload.
        BadPaddingException - A MAC value in the message failed to verify.
        See Also:
        getAction(), writeMessage(byte[], int, byte[], int, int)
      • split

        public CipherStatePair split()
        Splits the transport encryption CipherState objects out of this HandshakeState object once the handshake completes.
        The pair of ciphers for sending and receiving.
        IllegalStateException - The action is not SPLIT.
      • split

        public CipherStatePair split​(byte[] secondaryKey,
                                     int offset,
                                     int length)
        Splits the transport encryption CipherState objects out of this HandshakeObject after mixing in a secondary symmetric key.
        secondaryKey - The buffer containing the secondary key.
        offset - The offset of the first secondary key byte.
        length - The length of the secondary key in bytes, which must be either 0 or 32.
        The pair of ciphers for sending and receiving.
        IllegalStateException - The action is not SPLIT.
        IllegalArgumentException - The length is not 0 or 32.
      • getHandshakeHash

        public byte[] getHandshakeHash()
        Gets the current value of the handshake hash.
        The handshake hash. This must not be modified by the caller.
        IllegalStateException - The action is not SPLIT or COMPLETE.
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Description copied from interface: Destroyable
        Destroys all sensitive state in the current object.
        Specified by:
        destroy in interface Destroyable
      • mixHash

        public void mixHash​(byte[] data,
                            int offset,
                            int length)
        I2P for mixing in padding in messages 1 and 2
      • getChainingKey

        public byte[] getChainingKey()
        I2P for getting chaining key for siphash calc
        a copy