ICLab Data

ICLab has been running and measuring Internet censorship since late 2016. We are happy to share the analyzed data that we use in our recent paper: ICLab: A Global, Longitudinal Internet Censorship Measurement Platform, accepted to the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2020.

Our data is hosted on several platforms for public access. Please contact us if you encounter any issue when downloading the data.

Our data is in CSV format with the following columns:

  1. filename: name of raw data file (for internal use)
  2. server_t: the timestamp of when the measurement was conducted (e.g., 2017-01-01T00:03:55.797Z)
  3. country: country code ISO alpha-2
  4. as_number: Autonomous System Number
  5. schedule_name: web test lists( i.e., Alexa global top list, CitizenLab, or Berkman center)
  6. url
  7. dns
  8. dns_reason: true = manipulated, false = unmanipulated
  9. dns_all
  10. dns_reason_all
  11. http_status
  12. block: true = blockpages, false = normal
  13. body_len
  14. http_reason
  15. packet_updated: true = injected, false = no injection
  16. packet_reason
  17. censored_updated: true = censored, false = uncensored
by Calipr Networking Group