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File: fcd4c889d516a54d5371f00e3fdd70dc.jpg (58.13 KB, 700x461)


Anyone know what happened to wall3d.city or whatever was it?


File: 1b62ff22e70a7197fa1f3f34fa2b7f65.jpg (761.29 KB, 900x1273)

cccp finally gottem mr fed


File: 734e6bfcd358e25ac1db0a4241b95651.png (825.04 KB, 642x640)

ThEiR oRgAns are beEIng haRvesTEd as we SpEak. May our fallen comrades find peace in the afterlife.


File: 405075699f065e43581f27d67bb68478.jpg (36.03 KB, 550x366)

Nigger I don't even know what wall3d.city is. Is that like worlds?


It was a chinese imageboard here on i2p but it's been down for a while now.


Holy fuck, i'm actually upset I missed that.


File: 6d378765f17a856b7ba8bf1541cafb69.jpg (373.43 KB, 899x850)

I remember it.

It was a *chan format site.

Green text on black background.

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