/i2p/ - The Invisible Internet

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What do you use i2p for?

Around here (and most places in this network) there's nothing going on that's illegal in most places of the world… So why are you here?

Pic possibly related?


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These kinds of networks are going to be the future. Surveillance is increasing and evidence of people most private things is being gathered. Think about future politicians and people of fame. This is about reclaiming personal freedom.

The road to illegal things is there, one need just walk it. Tor more so than i2p because it's not an 'isolated' network and more like cheap protection.

The technicality of these networks is also a charm (for me at least) and it's fascinating to learn more about them.

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The current state of I2Pd

XD: torrent client, working condition but rough
BDSmail: mail, haven't looked into it enough, need some info
overall i2pd performance vs java i2p: ???

Any viable alternatives to XD/BDSmail?
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>XD isn't getting the same speed
Adding more trackers to trackers.ini helped for me


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I2Pd suffers from the same shortcoming as the Android I2P router: No web interface.

I2P should operate identically across all platforms, which includes Android and the C++ implementation. This means it should have a web interface, and the option to reseed, across ALL versions and platforms.


is there a way to modfiy addressbook in i2pd


edit addressbook/addresses.csv and what ever you put in make sure theres a addressbook/[a-z][a-z]/b32 lease
on the safe side turn the daemon off before edits


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Tried to run it.

Endless "cannot reseed" errors.

NetDB folder remains empty, not even a single file for my own I2P router. (The netDB entry for one's own router should always be created even if the network cannot reseed.)


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What are some cool eepsites you know of? I've tried looking through the alive hosts on inr.i2p, but boy was that tedious.
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Any search engines on the i2p network? I remember seeing one long ago.
>inb4 one of the dns sites


a i2p yacy node and legwork should be up


>the Ukrainian cat is Hitler
This image was either made under the influence of the Russian propaganda or by the Internet Research Agency.


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Found the Ukranian!

хахахахахаххахахах хохол.

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I tried the java implementation of I2P for the first time in a while and I must say I'm disappointed: it uses more resources, it's slower, it has weird errors were it can't find URLs on a domain after it has found the domain itself etc.

ffs even on this site it shits its pants because somehow it can't find /lewd/ from the fucking front page. And this a problem specific to the java version, it takes ~5 retries to get past the error.


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you forgot to throw a 1gbps nonfirewalled link at it and wait a month for it to integrate into the botnet :^)


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How is the NetDB folder and Reseeding handled on i2pd?

Are the router.dat files still stored in a way that I can easily make reseed file with them?

Is there a command to reseed from a reseed file?


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netDb is now a folder with assorted router.dats
reseed is done by [reseed] in i2pd.conf you can reseed from a .su3 .zip or floodfill
not disabling [reseed] in the i2pd.conf before relaunch forces a reseed again and again tl;dr its all shitware yswv
i tried
~ zip seed.zip -j -0 $datadir/netDb/*/*.dat
verify = false #not needed for reseed.zipfile probably
zipfile = $path/seed.zip
and it worked
you can probably just shutdown the daemon replace netDb then relaunch

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I'm here. Now what?


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Enjoy the tranquility of the wired, meditate in the vastness or maybe find ways to enhance the services in place or create new ones. It's a wild wild west out here…


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Explore, amass a library of .i2p URLs, Participate, contribute.


get off my network

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