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The current state of I2Pd

XD: torrent client, working condition but rough
BDSmail: mail, haven't looked into it enough, need some info
overall i2pd performance vs java i2p: ???

Any viable alternatives to XD/BDSmail?


I've noticed that XD isn't getting the same speeds as i2Psnark, maybe I need to enable DHT or smth


XD hasn't even implemented DHT yet? It's a bit rough around the edges, maybe I ought to take a peek at the src.


I haven't tried it, but as far as I know, XD has DHT implemented.


I have always much preferred Java I2P to I2Pd, I think I2Pd is better for applications to use I2P and really limited devices. Still a cool project though and definitely necessary.


>XD isn't getting the same speed
Adding more trackers to trackers.ini helped for me


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I2Pd suffers from the same shortcoming as the Android I2P router: No web interface.

I2P should operate identically across all platforms, which includes Android and the C++ implementation. This means it should have a web interface, and the option to reseed, across ALL versions and platforms.


is there a way to modfiy addressbook in i2pd


edit addressbook/addresses.csv and what ever you put in make sure theres a addressbook/[a-z][a-z]/b32 lease
on the safe side turn the daemon off before edits


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Tried to run it.

Endless "cannot reseed" errors.

NetDB folder remains empty, not even a single file for my own I2P router. (The netDB entry for one's own router should always be created even if the network cannot reseed.)


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