/meta/ - meta

because /b/ is apparently a shit board
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I keep getting messages that my post looks automated and was not posted, even when I actually type out a message and am not just blankposting to add images to the porn board.

This is getting annoying.


So what I'm hearing is, "No wolf dick for me, please." Is that what you're saying?


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Well, I can't post real photos of wolf penis in the furry thread because the admins won't like that.


kelmin dgaf post wolf vore lmao


Who tf cares about kelmin? Kelvin though…

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On the home page, the main banner image and the image above the "All Windows users are suckers" quote, both seem to be large image files.

This is very bad for bandwidth.

Open the images in an image editor and resize them, do NOT use html to scale large images down, as the full image is still loaded by the viewer and this sucks down bandwidth on an already slow darknet.

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Where's a "Home" link at the top of board pages? What if I want to go back and ride again? You expect me to click the address bar, manually work my backspace key, then press enter?!

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Apparently, this is the feature request board.
I'd like to have a all-board catalog enabled, since having ~300 posts scattered among ~10 boards is painful.
Also that 00:XX:XX time hiding doesn't make any sense: post images are still in UNIX timestamp + a few random numbers format, moreover, the full UNIX timestamp for all posts in thread can be seen in JSON. Nevertheless, this is just a note, rather than a complain.


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Smug animeposter of wisdom, I have contemplated on your written word and made the necessary adjustments. An all-board catalog is yet to materialize however.

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