/meta/ - meta

because /b/ is apparently a shit board
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File: 8c4f839b287d8a4d311eeaad4f8ceb97.jpg (54.24 KB, 630x525)


I keep getting messages that my post looks automated and was not posted, even when I actually type out a message and am not just blankposting to add images to the porn board.

This is getting annoying.


So what I'm hearing is, "No wolf dick for me, please." Is that what you're saying?


File: 50dd7100bcbd98c41b1179143a2325a4.jpg (41.15 KB, 400x300)


Well, I can't post real photos of wolf penis in the furry thread because the admins won't like that.


kelmin dgaf post wolf vore lmao


Who tf cares about kelmin? Kelvin though…

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