For my fellow text-only browser users (or the visually impaired), the top banner says "Red Liberty; Socialism or Barbarism, Liberty or Death! (Formerly known as Thought Foundry Blog)".

Alternative Links to Red Liberty

“When people talk of the Freedom of Writing, Speaking, or thinking, I cannot choose but laugh. No such thing ever existed. No such thing now exists; but I hope it will exist. But it must be hundreds of years after you and I shall write and speak no more.” -John Adams to Thomas Jefferson (15 July 1817)

Adams here didn't actually realize he was talking about what one day would be the censorship resistant internet. If you are reading this then you are using it, welcome to Red Liberty! Socialism or barbarism, Liberty or death!

You will need special software to access some of these links!

Clearnet: (main URL),, (does run non-free Javascript)

I2P: http://redliberty.i2p, http://co4edoxfpapksavjpbkd4h33s6pijr6xyfioqdbbdh22y3zrwoba.b32.i2p/ (b32)

Tor: http://redlib23tokwmp5r2xjpz6uw64j6gvz3ppsv7agdbb3fj3gn2cnm3lid.onion

Freenet: USK@w-ZU5GEbWi~ncjsDf2ZW8T7ZgbSETTKazrXV9kZ05XA,DQOKDoUTbYYQ~ sxJ65raXqP6bBBqxLX2tIUk25N2AFo,AQACAAE/RedLiberty/30/

Old Freenet (TFB): USK@LGEtEIZMvoge10JtOUuvd8fpvlAShfSJgOCT32pTnjw,XpKJefEFQVRZic9~bWd6p4fSzrV-SqEbRCoMJ~oMqb0,AQACAAE/ThoughtFoundryBlog/29/


Notes For Darknet Readers

Freenet Users: Be sure to check out our Sone for updates and to comment on posts (links use default ports)! Check NoXe's Filtered Index for updates and be sure to bookmark our freesite! We also hang out on FMS from time to time.

ZeroNet Users: Be sure to check out our ZeroMe for updates and to comment on posts (in-site comment section coming soon)! Help us stay alive, please seed our zite!

Tor Users: We currently aren't on any Tor social networks (apart from Facebook) but an in-site comment section is coming soon!

I2P Users: We occasionally post updates to our Visibility but it has been broken for ages, though an in-site comment section is coming soon!